
Tan Thanh Nguyen

Concept Artist / Illustrator

Hi, my name’s Tan Thanh, or Tantan for short! I’m a concept artist and illustrator based in Poland focused primarily on production art and visual development. I have a Graphic Design background and have been working as a Graphic Designer since 2015 and transitioning towards concept art towards the middle of 2016. Ever since I’ve had the opportunity to work on mobile game projects and indie games. I also was given the chance to step into the field of education and teach young children fundamentals of drawing and design.

When I’m not working I like to consume entertainment: games, movies, anime, all of it. Other than that I enjoy venturing across cities and discovering good street food that are hidden just behind the corner.

Work Experience

Freelance (2020-Present)

Daftcode (2017-2019)


Freelance Concept Artist

Concept Artist / Illustrator / Graphic Designer

Follow The White Rabbit (2017-2018)


Freelance Concept Artist

Churairat Music (2015-2016)


Art Teacher / Graphic Designer

Lotus Agency Asia Co. Ltd. (2014)


Intern Graphic Designer


Brainstorm School

FZD School of Design


Vocational Study

Diploma of Industrial Design

Raffles Design Institute


Bachelor of Visual Communications